Friday, June 15, 2012

Maker Envy

I make things.  All sorts of things.  All the time. And I like to look at things that other people have made.  And it seems that all of this making and all of this looking has made me... jaded?  No, that's not the right word.  Over-saturated.  That's better.  I didn't notice it as it was happening, but it seems I've started to become desensitized to the sheer brilliance of other makers.

There are so many of us, after all, and the Internet makes it so easy to scroll through hundreds (or thousands) of images so quickly that we just don't give ourselves a chance to digest one amazing creation before we move on to the next... and the next... and the next... until we can't really remember any of them at all.

But then, if we're lucky, we'll stumble upon something that just impresses the crap out of us... something that makes us stop... something that we'll retain, internalize, remember.   

As you probably guessed, this recently happened to me.  I'd love to share a photo, but they're locked down pretty tightly (understandably) and, since this is my first blog, I think it would be pretty audacious of me to contact her and request permission to use one.  But here's a link:

Jessica Joslin's Gallery

Ok, so it's odd.  It's not everyone's style.  But it is undeniably interesting and well-executed (that combination alone is a bit of a rarity).  And it is my style.  And it is something I would never have thought of or imagined... and even if I had, I couldn't pull it off... not like she did.

That's all.  I just wanted to revel in the feeling of being really impressed, intrigued, and downright fascinated by some art that I found on the Internet.  I hope you can all do the same!